Hi 40-up! My channel nick is and always has been Ruddyduck. Those of you who know me personally know that my name is Lee. I was born & raised in Maryland around the Salisbury area. I have 2 grown daughters and 3 grandchildren, 2 boys and 1 girl. I have lived in Maryland most of my life except for a couple of years in Delaware. I presently live in Bivalve, MD.which is a small waterfront community on the NANTICOKE River about 21 miles west of Salisbury, MD. I can count on 1 hand the number of jobs I have had while working, which is a total of 5. So you can see that I did not move around the work force a lot. I retired June 1, 2011 after 23 years at Motion Industries as an inside salesperson. My life now consists of relaxing, traveling when possible, dining out, chatting in 40-up, playing softball, hunting,f ishing, & sleeping. I have been on 3 cruises, 2 to Alaska & 1 to Bermuda. I have a new member of my family, an adopted dog named SKEETER, who is a Pomeranian about 1 1/2 years old. I have been chatting since July 1998 and started on WEBTV on Talk City. I have met lots of wonderful people online and have been fortunate to have met many of them in person. Our 40-up channel will be 11 years old this year and has grown to become a channel where everyone can come in and make their self at home. NEWBIES and present chatters are always welcome. I am looking forward to meeting current chatters at one of our gatherings, Hope to see you in 40-up real soon. We also have a group site on Facebook to keep in contact with some of our past friends and chatters. The group name is 40-up Friends-Present & Past. We have set up this site in order to not lose contact with any of our friends. Contact me if you would like to join this group. I can be found on Facebook under Lee Robertson. By the way, I love my new Job!