MARCH, 2025 |
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Happy Spring !! I'm really looking forward to the spring weather. This past winter in Arizona was really brutal ! Some days, the temperature dipped down below 70 degrees. There was one day I actually had to wear a long-sleeved shirt instead of my customary T-Shirt !
From time to time, some folks have a difficult time joining us in chat. A few months ago, Starlink-irc had a major crash which left many folks out in the cold. Ironhawk worked night and day to get things back up and running. I'm happy to announce that things are back up and running as usual. mIRC and PIRCH are operating as they always have. At the bottom of this page is a link which allows you to chat using a CGI login which does not require downloading or using and software apart from your web browser. If you're reading this, you have all the software needed to join us in chat using CGI. A very few folks still seem to be having problems. The best way to get answers to your problems and to get immediate help resolving those problems is to join #channels. Just click on the link at the bottom of this page. Once you've logged into SLIRC, type /join #channels and an expert will join you in a few seconds.
Here is the HELP info from the SLIRC login page:
* Having Trouble
- - Stop by our help/operator channel, #TerraNova
- - For channel service assistance and registration, stop by #Channels
- - For general help (mIRC, Pirch,) Try /join #channels or #Netinfo
- -
- - * Web Sites
- - Check out the home page.
I hope this helps those of you who may be having trouble logging into our chat room.
Stay healthy and have a great Spring !
Please scroll down to bottom of this page to find the easiest and quickest way to jump into our chat room.
The month for Spring to begin has finally arrived. After the Winter we have had in many parts of the United States, it will be great to receiving much improved weather. My home has received 3 snowfalls over 4" in January and February. Cold temperatures are eating up my heating fuel supply. I love the Winter, just not a really cold one with lots of snow.
We are all glad to see that Bruce is much improved from his illness and is back home to recover. He had a bad time of it, but he is a fighter, and we are so glad to have him back with us. It sure is not the way to see your son and Daughter when they are miles away and have to come see you in the hospital. Everyone wishes Bruce the very best and hope to see him in 40-up for a long time. It seems like our age group begins to have health issues more frequently.
We continue to have great participation in 40-up on our 2 nights that we chat. Minni has found her way back into the room. Now we have to help Flygirl find the way to be with us again. Also, Kaiwinn cannot be so busy that she cannot make it into the room from time to time. We miss those that we do not see in 40-up and hope that everyone can make it in as often as you can.
Here we are at the first of March. One quarter of the year has past! Are we having fun? Yes, we've been having fun in chat twice a week for sure. A little over a year to go before the next Gathering and that gives us time to save up for it. Time goes fast so start now. Bethy is in charge of this one so I know it will be a good one.
Bruce is back home from the hospital and slowly recovering. We're glad he's home now. Hospitals aren't much fun.
For those of you who have been here at our house in Arizona and have gone out to Oatman, I thought you might like to know that there was a fire there this week and destroyed the hotel and restaurant!! Such a great loss of Route 66 history! I'm going to drive out there to check out the damage. I hope the burros weren't too traumatized.
Have a great March and don't forget to reset your clocks on the 9th.
UP DATE: I'm back from Oatman and found that the report of the hotel and restaurant are still there! The fire was across the street and completely gutted the general store. The store front is untouched and the antique piano inside is OK. The fire surrounded the piano but left it untouched! It could have been so much worse. The burros ran for the hills during the fire but are back today. Thank goodness for an excellent fire department.
A screen will open. There will be a box with 3 spaces. The first space asks for your Nick. Delete the "guest" nick in this box and put your nick in. The second space has our server listed. Do Not do anything with this space. The third space asks for a channel name. In this space, type #40-up. Next you will see a button marked "LOGIN". Just click the Login button, and you'll be in the room.
For comments, questions, or just to pass the time of day, contact Gidge or Truckr