JULY, 2024





Each month when I sit down to try to put a newsletter together, I can't help but look at the top of the page where we list the Volume and number of the newsletter. This month is "Volume 19, Number 7 - This means that it the seventh newsletter in the nineteenth  year of publication.. This works out to 223 editions of this newsletter in it's present format; 223 editions that each one of you have taken the time to stop and  read, and 223 editions that many of you have contributed your thoughts and feelings to. 

As we get older, we all change, each of us in our own way, but nonetheless, we DO all change.  Our wants and needs change, our abilities change, and certainly given all thats going on in the world, our finances change.

This brings me to the issue of our "Gatherings".  As many of you will remember, wayyy long ago, different folks offered to host our yearly gatherings. There were always at least 3 or 4 folks who made suggestions, and offered to host the gathering.  We all got together and voted, and the most votes decided the location of the gathering, and the chatter who would put it together.  Somehow that all changed a few years back. I'm not sure how or why, but somehow channel management seemed to take over the gatherings, and to decide what we would do when we got there.

I feel that it's time to go back to the old system; the system where we were ALL involved in planning our get-togethers, and we ALL had a say as to where and when they would happen.

Here's what I'm suggesting: A few months ago, I threw out the idea of "Mini-Gatherings", A time for one or two couples get together for a weekend or even a whole week. Annshanks took us up on that idea and came out and spent a week with us.  Jamie (rojo) indicated that she and Wendel would also come for a visit. I hasten to add that in our new home we have a fully furnished guest room and guest bathroom, and we're ALWAYS glad to have folks visit us.  I'm also suggesting that if there is still an interest in having biggie gatherings, that we throw it out for one of you to pick up the ball and host it as we did in the old days.

Please get back to me and let me know YOUR feelings on this issue.


The heat waves have started here on the East Coast. Temperatures in the 90's with no rain. It is getting dryer here and numerous burn bans are in effect. Weather across the country is very unsettled and tornados are still around. It is now hurricane season and the weather service is predicting over a dozen hurricanes.

I hope everyone is doing well. Days are going by more quickly now, which we do not need. Prices continue to rise but income does not. People are struggling to get by. Expenses are high and some prices are well out of hand. Our economy is not well. Cutbacks must be made both at home and in the economy. Chat is still alive and well. CStar had a meltdown causing some problems. Hopefully things can get back to normal soon. We are able to keep in touch with all our friends each week by chatting with them a couple of times a week. This has been done for over 20 years and still going strong. Facebook has created another means of keeping in touch with our friends. This is fine for some things but does not replace the chat system.

Everyone have a great July as August may be very hot also. Can't wait for Fall. Don't like Summer. More bad weather may be expected. Won't take long before August newsletter will be here.



My name is Stewart and I'm a Dachshund � another name for Human. I'm nearly 19 years old and can't walk so my Mom (Gidge) carries me wherever we go. My sister Hayley � a Chihuahua - wrote a Newsletter column last month so I thought I would do the same.

I've met several of you and would like to know you all. Some of you know my background but for those who don't I'll fill you in. I was found when I was about 8 years old in Eugene, Oregon in a ditch filled with snow. Some friends of Mom (Gidge) and Dad (Truckr) found me. I don't remember that because I was VERY sound asleep. It took those who rescued me 2 hours to wake me up. At first they thought I had crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It turns out that I was pretty healthy but no one knew where I came from so Mom and Dad adopted me. In later years I developed arthritis and that's why I can't walk. But I like being with Mom, Dad and Uncle Bruce even thought I sleep a lot now. One day I will cross that Rainbow Bridge and even though Mom and Dad will be very sad I can run and play with my brothers Ikey and Bailey - also Dachshunds. Several of you have met them at a Gathering or two. They lived here when I first came to be in the family. As you know, we live in Arizona and this is the first Summer here for us. It's really hot and has been 118 degrees several days lately. That wouldn't be so bad but it only cools down at night to 90 � 100. However, our A/C works well and we turned down the temperature in the hot tub so it's cool to sit in there. Mom bought me a little floating boat so I can sit in there with them. I really like that! Sometimes we do that in the middle of the night! Wooopie!



Here we are again, another month gone. I can't believe how fast time is going by. I know it didn't go this fast when I was working.

Summer has showed up with a vengeance. We have had only 3 days in June that was at normal or below average temps. It seems I am living in a cave as I have covered all of my windows with a reflective silver covering except the door window. It has really helped keeping it cool in my RV. With the A/C going in the bedroom I am able to sleep with no problem. Only 3 more months of this hot weather.

We are having to build some shade covers for the Palm trees we planted. It turns out not all Palm trees will take full sun. Oh well, we are learning what will and will not take the summer heat here in AZ. Along with the heat are the fires. We have had 3 fires near us already. Fortunately They have been small and were quickly put out.


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For comments, questions, or just to pass the time of day, contact Gidge
or Truckr